Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Week with the Crib

When our baby was first born we had her sleeping in her own room, in her own crib. When the bad ice storm came through Kentucky and Tennessee knocking out all of our power in the wee morning hours, Keith told me to get Constance so she could sleep in the bassinet in our bedroom. Until this week she has stayed in our room in her bassinet at night. We went out and bought new monitors since our other ones went out and decided it was time for her to transition back to her own room at night.

Monday night we did out typical bedtime routine and I bundled my sweet, sleeping baby and placed her in her crib. It was kind of sad going to bed that night because I am so used to looking over in the bassinet and seeing our baby. However, 40 minutes later she woke up happy and ready to go. Keith and I talked about it, he got her up, I fed her again and we let her sleep in her bassinet. She slept the rest of the night.

Tuesday we decided to try again. We did our typical bedtime routine and I bundled my sweet, sleeping baby and placed her in her crib. We woke up to the wails of this child at 3 in the morning! I got her up and nursed her but did she want to go back to sleep? No! I stayed up with her another hour before she reluctantly went to bed.

I do not remember what happened Wednesday but I know she did not sleep through the night.

Thursday rolls around, we did our typical bedtime routine and I bundled my sweet, sleeping baby and placed her in her crib. She woke up at 4a.m. I let Keith get a little more sleep since he had to get up at 5. I fed Constance and she did not want to go to sleep. By 5 she was not asleep and my wonderful husband took her so I could sleep more. A short time later he placed the sleeping baby on our bed with me.

Friday… we did our typical bedtime routine and I bundled my sweet, sleeping baby and placed her in her crib. She woke up at 3a.m. fought sleep for am hour and went to bed.

Saturday night… we did our typical bedtime routine and I bundled my sweet, sleeping baby and placed her in her crib. She woke up at some point in the wee hours, I fed her and Keith stayed up with her until she went back to sleep.

Sunday night. Because of an odd rash that developed on Constance we decided to have her sleep in her bassinet in our room again. She slept all night. Maybe we should have her sleep in her bassinet in her room…

Regardless to say, we hope she starts sleeping through the night again.

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