Friday, April 27, 2012

Words, words and words

My sweet Constance is becoming such a big girl in what she says. I've been amazed at her vocabulary since turning three years old this past December. The other morning after being up for awhile, I asked her if she was ready to eat some breakfast. She squinted her eyes, put one finger up to her lip as if in thought, and said, "probably mama." Constance, Levi and I were playing in our back yard the other day. Levi was putting sand in his bucket and Constance was playing with Levi's tractor. I looked up from reading and said, "Are you playing Constance?" She looked at me and said, "No, I'm not playing mommy." I said, "Oh really? Then what are you doing?" Constance said, "Well, I am actually playing but this is an OLD game!" Speaking of words, Levi's list is growing. While it is not 100% clear usually, his newest words are Diego, Stand up, Milk, and Thank you. He also really likes to say No. *Sigh* I am now 16 weeks pregnant and after interviewing three midwives I found the one we are going to go with! I start under her care the week after next. Most people think I am crazy for doing a home birth. I will gladly explain my reasons if you want to know. Just ask!

1 comment:

  1. It really is amazing that Constance is able to express herself so well now. Even on the phone, or Skype, we can understand her much better too. She is a very smart, bright little girl! I am sure she is mimicking you and Keith with some of her new expressions. Levi cracks us up with his "no" stuff. Definitely gearing up for full toddler hood. He is so cute, though, isn't he?



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